John Robertson

Leadership: Finding the ACES Within Your Organization

Leadership: Finding the ACES Within Your Organization Leadership Is About Finding The ACES In Your Midst

How do you measure leadership qualities? You can probably identify forces within your organization that create greater buy-in, trust, and engagement… or those forces that have the exact opposite effect. These forces possess qualities that you and I can develop, but when leadership misses these, it works like a stone in the shoe for growth […]

Extinguish Your Workplace Root Fires, Not Just Brush Fires

Have you ever thought of your workplace like a forest?  As a leader in your workplace, one of your greatest responsibilities is cultivating a healthy, productive work environment for your team. Part of that is being able to identify and address the various workplace “fires” that can ignite and spread dysfunction through your organization. Over […]

Dealing with conflict requires a values-based approach

Dealing with conflict requires a values-based approach Dealing with conflict requires a values-based approach. Here’s why

Conflict within the workplace can be frustrating to handle if you don’t have the right tools. Not only can workplace conflict decrease productivity, but if not addressed correctly, workplace conflict leads to bitterness and resentment among coworkers, creating an unhealthy environment at best- and a toxic environment at worst.  Transforming conflict to be productive means […]

Values-Driven Leadership in a Status-Driven Culture

I AM vs I HAVE Leaders What does it take to successfully model leadership in today’s current workplace culture?  Some of the first things that come to mind might be power, confidence, charisma, intelligence, and other such characteristics. However, being a great leader requires more than just the right skills, a series of checklists, or […]

How to REALLY Take A Break: When You Unplug, What Do You Plug In To? 

How to REALLY Take A Break: When You Unplug, What Do You Plug In To? 

Picture this: The past quarter at your work has been extremely busy to the point that the workload is overwhelming and stressful. You and your coworkers are all working extra time- if not overtime. However, you have something to look forward to: a week-long vacation with your family.  Everything is booked and ready to go. […]

How appreciation changes the workplace… When shown in a way that matters!

How appreciation changes the workplace… When shown in a way that matters! appreciation

Feeling genuinely valued and appreciated in the workplace has a tremendous impact on employee satisfaction, engagement, and performance. However, in many workplaces, managers and leadership often forget to recognize the hard work of their staff. When employees feel their efforts go unnoticed, they begin to experience a decline in morale, disengagement, and burnout. As an […]

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