Category: Uncategorized

Your Life Goals Are Achievable, Just Fill Your Own Bucket!

Your Life Goals Are Achievable, Just Fill Your Own Bucket! Your life goals are achievable, just fill your own bucket!

Think about your life goals… Are you waiting for your bird feeder to be filled? The other day while I was topping up the birdseed in my backyard feeders… I left to fill two feeders, and when I came back, a chipmunk was at the top of the pail. Its cheeks were swollen, and it […]

Crisis Intervention Is An Opportunity, Not A Limitation or Liability

Crisis Intervention Is An Opportunity, Not A Limitation or Liability Crisis Intervention Is An Opportunity, Not A Limitation or Liability

Crisis exposes our real values. There are always two sets of values at work. The values we tell ourselves – and others – in business. They’re the ones which are posted on the website and in brochures. The other set are the values we’re actually living, shown by the day-timer and bank statement. Crisis intervention […]

Canada Day Celebrates Our Freedom And Our Responsibilities

Canada Day Celebrates Our Freedom And Our Responsibilities Canada Day Celebrates Our Freedom And Our Responsibilities

Canada Day marks the beginning of “freedom” for most of us… Freedom from schedules and routines – school, sports, church, work. The day is spent celebrating with friends and family, appreciating the constitutional rights and freedoms we enjoy as citizens of the country. It needs to also be a time to own our responsibilities, as […]

Crisis Management Is An Opportunity To Build Your Culture (Part 2)

Crisis Management Is An Opportunity To Build Your Culture (Part 2) Crisis Management Is An Opportunity To Build Your Culture

Do you consider yourself to be a good leader in a crisis? In my last article, I talked about the 4 T’s of a workplace culture: toxic, tense, treated, and thriving. How would you characterize your work environment in a crisis? Are you thriving or simply surviving? We’re going to talk about crisis management and […]

Crisis Response: An Opportunity To Build Your Culture (Part 1)

Crisis Response: An Opportunity To Build Your Culture (Part 1) Crisis Management: An Opportunity To Build Your Culture

How do you envision your role as a leader during a crisis? In my 30-plus years of responding to crisis situations in a variety of roles, I’ve identified two truths that can blind a leader…and cripple their organization. The event is never the real crisis. The crisis is always an opportunity. How you perceive and […]

Our Emotional Attachment To Memories Defines Us – Here’s Why

Our Emotional Attachment To Memories Defines Us – Here’s Why Our Emotional Attachment To Memories Defines Us - Here’s Why

“It’s okay.” “You will get through this.” “You just need to get over this!” How many different expressions have you heard over the years…unhelpful cliches that provide no comfort, guidance, or support? Worse yet, do you look back now and realize you said this to someone going through a challenging time? It’s okay. Our responses […]

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