Psychological First Aid

Psychological First Aid

There are many models of psychological first aid (PFA). This will help you to understand how they align and/or can work together.

(AIR) Ad Hoc Incident Review
Minimize exposure Stabilization + Introduction Reflective Listening Resilient Moment Communication Model Assessment R2MR – early psychological intervention
Acknowledge the event Acknowledge – Event, Reactions Assessment of Needs Stabilize Listen – non-judgmentally Acknowledge and listen
Normalize the experience Facilitation of Understanding – normalization Prioritize – severe vs mild reactions Mitigate – intervene to lessen acute severity Provide reassurance & information Inform – Check in and apply MHCM
Educate as required Encourage Effective Coping Intervention – educate, problem solve Facilitate access to care Encourage the person to seek help Respond – Observe, follow up, model
Restore or refer Return Disposition – assist to recover function OR continued care Encourage self-help strategies
Self-care Referral

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