Category: Workplace

Recalibrate, Reframe, But it’s NOT about Reset or Restart, but a Tired Brain!

Recalibrate, Reframe, But it’s NOT about Reset or Restart, but a Tired Brain! Recalibrate, Reframe, But it's NOT about Reset or Restart, but a Tired Brain!

For February, I thought I’d honour Groundhog Day. It seems to be a constant theme for so many of us! I am sure you have seen it in others, as I have, yet when we look in the mirror, do we not see the same pattern? I know I get caught on this treadmill. But […]

Here Are 3 Strategies For Weathering The September Storm

Here Are 3 Strategies For Weathering The September Storm Here Are 3 Strategies For Weathering The September Storm

Here Are 3 Strategies For Weathering The September Storm Are you weathering the September storm? Last week I talked about the range of emotions people feel as they send their kids back to school and return to the office. How do you tame those emotions? How do you run towards the roar? Here are three […]

Surviving September Means Reframing The Storm

Surviving September Means Reframing The Storm Surviving September Means Reframing The Storm

Surviving September Means Reframing The Storm September. Such a special time… ordinarily. It can feel like the goal is to survive the beginning of any month—and sometimes the end for many of us. We long for the end of June, the beginning of summer holidays for some. A time to slow down, relax, visit with […]

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