Tag: crisis

Leadership: Finding the ACES Within Your Organization

Leadership: Finding the ACES Within Your Organization Leadership Is About Finding The ACES In Your Midst

How do you measure leadership qualities? You can probably identify forces within your organization that create greater buy-in, trust, and engagement… or those forces that have the exact opposite effect. These forces possess qualities that you and I can develop, but when leadership misses these, it works like a stone in the shoe for growth […]

Why is Krisis, like stress, often seen as a negative?

Why is Krisis, like stress, often seen as a negative? krisis

Well, I’ve got news, it is not! Think about all the cliches that people use when it comes to crises.  Aren’t these little adages just an attempt to put a positive spin on something we do not like? It often boils down to a simple theme, and I know you know this to be true […]

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