Where are you at: CRISIS or FRICTION?

Every organization, division and team will experience friction or crisis at some point.

Plans, policies and people tend to fall apart without adaptive leadership.

Your organization is risking losing their best team members during the next upheaval because they lack the patience (or loyalty) to handle “other kids throwing sand in the sandbox” on top of their own position's challenges.

Unfortunately, your organization is probably already feeling the effects of:

  • Overspending on areas of team building and EAP programs to help make up for “the event” or shift in workplace dynamics.
  • Growing mental health challenges: climbing sick-days, sick-leave, stress-leave, declining employee performance due to anxiety, depression.
  • Increasing employee premiums: an increase in claim-submissions relating to mental health, stress-leave and “burn out”.
  • Lost talent, difficult acquisition: fear of losing (more) key staff members, increasingly difficult time finding or keeping new staff.
  • An “Unruly” Workforce: interoffice politics and challenging personality dynamics have taken the spotlight, and reliable productivity is at an all time low.
  • Loss of authority: Recognition that your current workforce cannot be motivated or guided the same way they used to be, without a clear understanding of why or what to do about it.
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Stop sinking. Start SHIFTing...
Does it feel like your ship is sinking?
Are some people spending more time poking holes than paddling out?

“If your HR-rep and managers are exhausted from dealing with the side-effects of crisis and friction in the workplace it’s probably because everyone’s best efforts just aren’t aligned. Find out which area your organization needs to be focusing on NOW to see the biggest SHIFTS and get your ship back on course!

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